February 9, 2025
Astrology the Super science – Biological Cycle

Astrology the Super science – Biological Cycle

Jan 19, 2025

Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. Marcus Aurelius

A businessman friend called on 1st September 2014 in a highly agitated mode. His wife was expecting and doctors had told him the delivery can take place any time during the next 1-2 days. I looked at the horoscope of his wife and told him, “don’t worry there is time, and the child is likely to be born on 9 September.

Anju Sachdev was contacted by a relative who was given the likely date of 4th September for the birth of the child. Anju looked at the horoscope and found the likely date to be 30th August.

Rameshji was contacted by a mother in July 2014 requesting for a likely date of birth and Rameshji told her the child will be born on 15th July. Doctors had given the birth date between 12 to 22 July.

Jitender Vats was contacted by a mother on 2nd of August 2014. Her daughter was expecting and had suddenly developed pain. She was rushed to the nearby hospital in New Delhi and the doctors had advised the delivery on the same day.  Mr. Vats informed the mother that the baby would be born either on 5th or 6th of August, 2014.

There is a striking similarity in all the cases mentioned above. The prediction given on the birth date came true and the child was born within 24 hours of the predicted time. The people mentioned above are not doctors with specialization in gynecology. They are everyday people and consist of a government employee, a teacher, a LIC employee and an IT consultant. Another striking similarity was that all were students of renowned astrologer Sh. K.N. Rao. In each of the cases the birth time given by the doctors failed but the predications made by astrologers came true with 100% accuracy. I will discuss at length later how exactly the birth time was arrived at.

Let’s look at how the doctors predict the birth time. I spoke to my doctor friend Ms. Shalini Arora who gave me the course book she had studied from. It mentioned many rules with the most common rule being Naegele’s rule. The Naegele’s rule is a standard way of calculating the due date for a pregnancy. The rule estimates the expected date of delivery (EDD) by adding one year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). The result is approximately 280 days (40 weeks) from the LMP. The book further stated that the prediction range is about 50% within 7 days on either side of expected date of delivery (EDD) (Taken from the book “Text Book of Obstetrics by D.C Dutta).

 We further spoke to the renowned gynecologist Dr. Pushpa Chandra, MD, AIMS. She explained that only a rough estimation of baby’s birth time can be calculated which easily varies by a week (before or after). The birth time is fine-tuned based on mothers and child’s condition as the pregnancy progresses. However, there is no fool proof method of computing the time of birth. No algorithm can predict the exact day that spontaneous labor will occur no matter what considerations are taken into account. In spite of the best possible tools available to assess the child inside the womb of the mother, the doctors can predict only a 14 days range when the child is likely to be born. This 14 day range also works in only 70% of the cases.

 If medical science with all the available tools can predict a birth between 2 weeks with 70% accuracy, astrology is indeed super science. It is beating the medical predictions on birth time hands down! Science looks at the relation of a. Cause and Effect; b. Methodology, and c. Replication. Astrology follows the same principles however; it is supra science which is extra-terrestrial in nature.  It cannot be seen by naked eyes. The planetary movement of planets are charted on paper in a horoscope and based on astrological principles the effects is predicted. Hence it follows the principals of cause and effect which is not seen by the naked eye. It follows a defined methodology of prediction and can be replicated by anyone who has learnt the principles.

Our guru Sh. K.N. Rao had devised the principles of determining the birth of a child nearly 25 years back and secretly tested them on thousands of cases. He found the results to be coming remarkably accurate and finally choose to share the principles with his students. The only tools needed are authentic horoscope of mother and preferably that of father or an elder sibling. The principles have been tested by his students on hundreds of cases and were found to be giving 100% results. He himself has predicted the birth time within 4 hours of the actual birth time.

The table of predictions illustrates cases where his students have applied the principles and have replicated the results.

 Parents birth detailBirth date given by doctorBirth date given by astrologerActual Birth dateReference
1Mother: 25 October 1984 18:30 Delhi11- 18 July 201415 July 201415 July 2014 13:25 DelhiRamesh Kumar
2Mother: 28 December 1984,  5:15 Delhi1 August 20145-6 August 20145 Aug 2014, 18:05 DelhiJitender Vats
3Mother: 7 July 1983, 5:52  Kanpur Father : 15 May 1983 15:42 Kanpur4 September 201430 August 201429 Aug 2014,Anju Sachdev
4Mother:  14 Sep 1983 7:10 Delhi. Father: 9 July 1978 23:19 Delhi1 – 5 Sep 20149 September 20149 Sep 2014 14:49 Delhi   Monica
5Mother: 12 April 1987, 7:30 Pilkhuwa Father: 15 Nov 1985 15:43 Pilkhuwa5 – 25 Sep 201421 September 201422 Sep 2014 18:33 HapurMonica
6Mother: 3rd Feb 1984, 23:23, Delhi 13 Sep 201413 Sep 2014Anil Thakur
7.Mother: 7 Aug 1981, 8:30 Ferozepur, Punjab 23 Aug 201423 Aug 2014Anil Thakur
8.Mother 31 Aug 1983 6:15 Jammu 30 Nov 20142 Dec 2014Jaya Singh

Let us now look at the astrological principles of predicting the birth of a child.

1. The dasha would connect to 5th house / Putra Karaka in D-1.  See the prevailing dasha by at least two methodsIn case of Vimshotari dasha we see the connection with 5th house. In case of Jamini dasha we see the connection with Putra karak (PK). Rao sir also told us that special dashas applicable on the horoscope like Mandook Dasha or Dwadashotri dasha gives excellent results.


2. The dasha will connect to 5th house / Putra karak of D-7 the Saptamsha.


3. The planets in transit would connect to 5th House of D1 at the time of birth. Jupiter denote the year, Mars the quarter, Sun the month and Moon the day of the birth. Here Moon connects to 5th House within 48 hours.


4. The planet in transit would connect to 5 House of D7 at the time of birth.


5. The planets in transit would connect to the PK in D-7.

The dates where all the parameters are met are seen for both the parents. The common date that emerges is the likely birth date. The horoscope of mother takes precedence over father for determining the time of birth.

The first case was of a businessman and fellow student who contacted us on 1st September 2014 wanting to know the likely birth date of the child. The gynecologist had told them that the birth could happen any time now. The birth details of mother were 14 Sep 1983 7:10 Delhi.

Parameter 1.  The dasha connects to 5 H/ 5 Lord in D1.

DatesVimshottari dasha  Char dasha
3 Sep 2014     Ven – Ketu-Sat-Rah-RahuSag – Virgo- Scorpio – Capricorn
5 Sep              Ven – Ketu-Sat-Rah-Sat    Sag – Virgo- Scorpio – Capricorn
6  Sep             Ven – Ketu-Sat-Rah- SatSag – Virgo- Scorpio – Scorpio
9 Sep              Ven – Ketu-Sat-Rah-KetuSag – Virgo- Scorpio – Scorpio
10  Sep                 Ven – Ketu-Sat-Rah-VenusSag – Virgo- Scorpio – Scorpio

1a. Vimshotari Dasha The Maha Dasha lord Venus is aspecting 5th house in D1.  Antar Dasha lord Ketu is conjunct with Jupiter the natural karak for children. Jupiter is also the Putra Karak. Ketu is placed in the 5th house from Maha dasha lord Venus. Pratyantar dasha lord Saturn is 5th lord exalted in the 2nd house. Sookshma Dasha lord Rahu is placed in the 9th house and is also connected to Jupiter. The first 4 dashas are common between the 10 days. Now let’s look at the Pran dasha. The pran dasha on 5th and 6th September is Saturn the 5th lord. The pran dasha from 9th afternoon is Venus which is aspecting the 5th House. Likely dates coming are 5, 6, 9, 10 September.

1b. Char Dasha

MD –AD-PD is Sagittarius- Virgo – Scorpio. From MD Sagittarius as lagna, 5th house is aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter. From AD of Virgo, the 5th house is aspected by Putra Karak Jupiter. PD of Scorpio has Putra karak Jupiter placed there. Sookshma Dasha of Scorpio starts from 6th and continues to 10th. The dasha promised the birth of the child. Likely dates – 6,9,10 September

Parameter 2 – Connection of dasha with 5th house in D-7.

a. Vimshottari dasha running is Venus- Ketu- Rahu- Saturn. Venus, Ketu and Saturn are aspected by Jupiter. They promise the birth of a child.

b. Char dasha – Sagittarius – Virgo- Scorpio

Virgo is the 5th house of D-7. Scorpio has the aspect of PK Jupiter. Capricorn does not have the aspect. So birth date seems likely after 6th September.

Parameter 3- Transit of Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Moon connect to 5th house D-1

The transit position on 5th September is shown below with D1 and D-7.

Let’s look at the transit position on D1 from 5th September. The double transit of Saturn and Jupiter has to connect to 5th house. Transit Saturn is over 5th lord Saturn. Transit Jupiter is aspecting 5th house from Cancer. Transit Sun was aspecting 5th house 20 days back. Moon would be transiting over 5th house from 5th Sep onwards. This again confirms the date of 5th Sep onwards.

Parameter 4. Transit of Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Moon connect to 5th house D-7 we find that Jupiter is aspecting the 5th lord Mercury. Mars was over 5th house 45 days back. Sun would be transiting over Virgo shortly. Transit Moon is not connected to 5th house and will be connected to 5th house only on 9th. So the dates seem to be near 9th.

Parameter 5. Connection of transit planets to PK in D-7

 Jupiter is transiting over PK. Mars is aspecting PK, Sun is aspecting PK, Moon is in Sagittarius on 5th September and aspecting PK. Moon will again aspect PK Jupiter from Pisces on 9th September. This is the last clinching factor. The date seems to be pointing at 9th September.

Let’s now look at the father’s horoscope who was born on 9 July 1978 23:19 Delhi.

Parameter 1.  The dasha connects to 5 H/ 5 Lord in D1.

DatesVimshottari dasha  Char dasha
3 Sep 2014     Moon-Ven- Sat-Sat-KetuLibra-Pisces-Pisces-Sagittarius
5 Sep              Moon-Ven- Sat-Sat-SunLibra-Pisces-Pisces-Aquarius
6  Sep             Moon-Ven- Sat-Sat-MoonLibra-Pisces-Pisces-Pisces
9 Sep              Moon-Ven- Sat-Sat-MarsLibra-Aries-Taurus-Aries
10  Sep                 Moon-Ven- Sat-Sat-JupLibra-Aries-Taurus-Pisces

1a. Vimshottari Dasha The dasha pattern of Moon- Venus- Sat-Sat is common on all dates. Moon is the 5th lord and Venus, Sat are conjunct with it. The Pran dasha of Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter all can give children. The likely dates were 5, 6, 9, 10 September.

1b. Char Dasha The MD lord Libra is aspected by PK Moon. Pisces is the Lagna of horoscope and is aspected by Jupiter. From 8th Sep the AD of Aries is starting which is aspected by PK Moon. Now from 9th September the Pran dasha will be Aries aspected by PK Moon. The likely dates are 9, 10 September.

Parameter 2 – Connection of dasha with 5th house in D-7.

a. Vimshotari The PD, SD lord Saturn is aspecting the 7th house. The Pran dasha lord Sun, Mars, Jupiter are connecting. Likely day – 5,9,10

2. Char dasha The MD Libra has PK Moon. Pisces is the 5th house. From 8 Sep AD of Aries is coming so before 8th Sep seems likely. Here Rao sir had told us to give more importance to mother’s horoscope.

Parameter 3- Transit of Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Moon connect to 5th house D-1

The transit position on 5th September is shown below. Jupiter is placed in 5th House and Saturn is aspecting from 8th house. Mars would transit to Sag in 40 days and would connect to 5 House. Sun is conjunct with 5th lord. Moon would connect to 5th house from Capricorn-Aquarius. Again 8, 9, 10 September.

4. Looking at the transit on D-7 we find that transit Jupiter is aspecting the 5th house and 5th lord. Mars is transiting over 5th lord. Sun would connect from Virgo within a month. Moon will be in 5th house on 10th. Dates of 9th and 10th seem likely.

5. Connection of transit planets to PK in D-7 (clincher) Moon is the PK placed in Libra. Jupiter connected to it till May 2014. Mars is aspecting PK. Sun is aspecting PK and Moon will aspect PK from Capricorn. So again the 9th September date was coming. We found that from all the angles the date of 9th September was coming strongly.

The parents were blessed with a daughter on 9th September 14:49 Delhi. The parameters given by our guru Sh. K.N. Rao gave us the exact date of birth.

Case of Shri Jitender Vats

On the basis of the doctrine taught by respected Guruji Sh. K.N. Rao in BVB, the birth time could be successfully calculated.

Mother : DOB : 28th December, 1984 TOB : 0515 AM (Morning) POB : DelhiFemale Baby: DOB : 5th August, 2014 TOB : 1805 Hours POB : Delhi

Mother of the native contacted me on 2nd of August 2014 about the delivery date.  Suddenly, on 2nd August, 2014 the native got pains and was rushed to the nearby hospital in New Delhi.  The doctor advised the delivery on that day only.  Mother of the native hurriedly told me on phone about the operation which the doctors were to perform on that day and requested for just analyzing the horoscope if everything would be all right.  At such a point, there was no question of looking at the transit of Saturn / Jupiter, but it was the time of observing Moon’s transit.  I informed her that the baby would be born either on 5th or 6th August, 2014.


  1. Vimshotri Dasha
Sl.Running DashaPeriodEvent
1.Sat-Moon-Rahu-Ven21.7.2014 to 04.08.2014Admitted in hospital on 02.08.2014
2.Sat – Moon – Rahu – Sun05.08.2014 to 09.08.2014  Delivery took place at 1805 Hrs on 05.08.2014 in Delhi (Female Baby)
  1. Char Dasha
Sl.Running DashaPeriodEvent
1.Simha-Meen-Kumbh-Scorpio01.08.2014 to 03.08.2014Admitted on 02.08.2014
2.Simha-Meen-Kumbh-Dhanu04.08.2014 to 06.08.2014Delivery took place at 1805 Hrs on 05.08.2014 in Delhi (Female Baby)

Analysis by Vimshotri Dasha

MD Lord: In D-I, Saturn is in Lagna in exchange with LL Mars placed in 4H with 9L moon.  This Mars is 5L from Jupiter.  Conjunction of Ketu and Mercury would add to the fruits.  According to the principle: “केतू: कुलस्य उन्नतिम”, ketu is capable of family’s enhancement.  Moreover, Saturn is in the nakshatra of Jupiter which is 5L and natural putra karka.  In D-9, Saturn is placed in 9H again aspecting the 5H from Jupiter and also being aspected by Mars the 5L from Jupiter.  In D-7, Saturn in exchange with Venus (Venus is 5L from Jup) is aspecting the LL Sun placed in 7H.  Thus Saturn qualifies for giving baby to the native.

AD Lord : Moon : In D-I, Moon is the 9L (5th from 5th House) placed with the LL Mars in 4H promising the fulfillment of all wishes of the native.  Mars also being 5L from Jupiter adds much to the wish.  In D-9, Moon is again 9L and beautifully placed in 5H in Jupiter’s sign and aspected by the LL Mars.  Thus it promises the fructification time of the child birth.  In D-7, Moon is again placed in 11H with 5L Jupiter and thus qualifies for the purpose.

PD Lord: Rahu: In D-I, Rahu is placed in 7H in Taurus and its dispositer Venus is aspecting 9H, the alternate house of progeny.  Rahu is aspected by LL Mars (5L from Jup) from 4H.  Rahu is in the nakshatra of Sun which is placed with 5L Jup in 2H.  In D-9, Rahu is placed in 3/9H axis.  Its dispositer is placed in 9H aspected by Mars which is placed in 2H with 5L Jup. 

SD Lord: Sun: In D-I, Sun is placed in 2H in Jup sign with Jup which is 5L also.  Sun is 9L from Jupiter.  In D-9, Sun is in 9H and from Jup it is 9L.  Sun is aspected by Mars which is 5L from Jup and this Mars being conjunct with Jup, the 5L, has the influence of progeny also.  In D-7, Sun is placed in 7H aspecting the Lagna.  It is aspected by Saturn and 5L Jupiter thus completing the promise.

Analysis by Char Dasha

MD Lord: Simha – In D-I, Simha is the dasha of PK Sun.  PK is placed in 5H from Simha and Simha is in 9H from PK Sun.  It is aspected by AK Venus from 3H.  In D-9, Simha is the 9H from Jup the 3L and in 2H from PK Sun which is the Lord of this Dasha (Simha).  Again, Jup is placed in the 5H from Simha.  In D-7, Simha dasha is the Lagna of this varga.  5H from Simha is aspected by Moon and Amk Jup, the natural putra karka. 

AD Lord: Meen – In D-I, Meen is the 5H.  Its Lord Jup is placed with PK Sun in 2H.  In D-9, Meena is again 5H.  5H from Meen is occupied by PK Sun.  Meen is aspected again by Jup and also by Mars which is 9L from Meen.  In D-7, Meen is aspected by Jup the 5L and by Moon which is 5L from Meen.  Moreover, 5H from Meen is aspected by PK Sun. 

PD Lord: Kumbh – In D-I, Kumbh is occupied by Moon, the most important planet which is 9L of the native chart.  From Kumbh 5H is aspected by 5L Jupiter and PK Sun which is auspicious for progeny.  Lord of Kumbh Saturn is with Mercury which is 5L from the dasha sign Kumbh.  In D-9, Kumbh’s Lord Saturn is placed in 9H with PK Sun.  This sign (kumbh) is aspected by the PK Sun also.  In D-7,  Kumbh is occupied by PK Sun and aspected by Mercury which is 5L from it.

SD Lord : Dhanu – In D-I, Dhanu is occupied by its Lord Jup which is 5L also.  Presence of PK Sun there is adding to the positive fruits of the house.  In D-9, Dhanu is again occupied by Jup which is the 5L also.  5L from Dhanu, Mars is also conjunct with it.  This Mars is 5L from PK Sun also.  In D-7, Dhanu is again 5H and aspected by Moon (MK) and Amk Jup.  It is again aspected by Mars which is 9L and 5L from Dhanu.  5H from Dhanu is aspected by the PK Sun. 

Thus all the Dasha Lords of Char Scheme qualify for the baby’s birth.

Principle :

(1)        When the Transiting Sun affects the Lagna, 5H or PK in D-7 of the mother that is the month of child’s birth.  AND

  • When the transiting Moon affects the Lagna, 5H or PK inD-7 of the mother that is the day of the child’s birth.  Since Moon will transit in one sign for 2 ½ days, therefore we will have to take 2 ½ days to be macro.  If we intend to go up to micro level, then degrees of transiting moon are given impetus.  Let us illustrate these principles in the present case study :

Sun Transit:  At the child’s birth Sun was transiting in Cancer.  In D-7, when we place Sun in Cancer it would aspect the PK Sun.  Thus qualifies the month of the child. 

NOTE : But before coming to the conclusion of month, all other relevant aspects of the horoscope like different dasha periods, pregnancy period etc. should be ensured.

Moon Transit:  In the present case, Moon was transiting in Libra when the native was admitted in the hospital.  According to the principles taught by respected Guruji Shri K.N. Rao, the Moon always catches the Lagna/LL, 5H/5L or 9H/9L of the mother.  But here we find that Moon would not touch any of these points while transiting in Libra.  Moon’s transit in Scorpio would walk to the above principles.  Therefore, without losing time, I straightaway triggered on the Moon’s transit in Scorpio where this will catch Lagna of the native.  This would definitely fulfil the criteria of the above principles taught by Shri K.N. Rao.

Moon Transit in Degrees:  Moon entered in Scorpio at 05.10 AM on 05.08.2014 and would be there till 7.8.2014 (FN).

D-I : While in Scorpio, Moon will touch the Lagna.  If we take Navamsha of the transiting Moon, it would come in first Navamsha of Cancer (0 to 3.20 degrees).  From Cancer it would not touch the L/LL, 5H/5L.  In second Navamsha it would come in Simha the same position will still continue.  In third Navamsha, it would come in Virgo from where it would aspect the 5H and would complete the jurisdiction of our principle.  If we place this Moon in Virgo in D-9, it would again aspect the 5H.  By Jaimini aspects, in D-I Moon if placed in Virgo would aspect the 5L Jup and the PK Sun both placed together in 2H of family increase (Vansh Vridhi).  In D-9, if Moon placed in Virgo it would against aspect both the 5H/5L.  The third Navamsha runs from 6.40 degrees to 10 degrees. 

D-7: if we put the transiting Moon’s Sampamsha in D-I, the first saptamsha would come in Taurus from where it would not aspect the 5H/5L.  But in 2nd saptamsha (4.17.08 degrees to 8.34.16 degrees) in Mithun it would aspect the 5L Jup and PK Sun placed in 2H and would qualify for progeny.  Similarly, in D-7, if we place Moon in Mithun, it would be on 5L Jup and would aspect the 5H.  Moreover, it would be in the 5H from the PK Sun in D-7.

Conclusion: Thus, I decided to take the third Navamsha and second saptamsha of the child birth which exactly came true.  Some other calculations were also made based on the Moon’s further transit, Varshphal (Progression Chart), Ghati Lagna etc. and the same conclusion was reached upon from them also and the child was born on 5th August 2014 at 1805 Hours in Delhi.  All these principles show the replicability of all the principles taught in the class in Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan by Guruji Shri K.N. Rao.

Observations :  (1)  There will be some linkage of the Lagna/LL of D-7 of mother with the 4H/4L of D-12 of the child in child’s horoscope.

  •  For pregnancy we normally count 9 months i.e. 270 days.  These 270 days are counted according to the solar month which is usually taken as 30 days for one month.  But, according to Hindu Shastras for progeny Chandra maas (Moon month) is taken which is normally of 27 days and thus the child birth’s expectancy comes to 10 months i.e. 27 days x 10 months = 270 days i.e. equal to solar month.

Sun is the owner of 10th month during pregnancy (Garbhadhaan).  Therefore, Sun should always touch the Lagna/LL, 5H/5L of the mother because a body comes out of the other body.

Case of Shri Ramesh Kumar

Particulars of mother: 25-10-1984/18.30/Delhi

This is a female horoscope, which was given by her mother in law. It was shared that the female is pregnant and likely to deliver baby somewhere during 11-18 July, 2014 as opined by the Doctor attending on her. It was also shared that her first baby was caesarian and this time also the baby would be caesarian.  After analyzing, it was found that the birth could be during 13-15 July, 2014 and possibly on 15th July, 2014. Briefly, the following method was adopted to arrive at:

  1. Promise in the chart:

D1 and D7 chart was used to see the promise. In D1, though 5L – Sun is with malefic – Saturn and debilitated also, but conjunct with two benefic – Mercury and Moon. Further, 5H is receiving aspect of Jupiter. In D7, 5H receives aspect of benefic- Venus and 5L- Saturn with two benefic- Jupiter, sthir santan karak and Moon. Thus the horoscope has the promise to produce child.

  1. Analysis from Vimshotri dasha:

At the time of query, the dasha running was of Sat/Jup/Mer. In D1, MDL- Saturn is with 5L- Sun, in D7, Saturn is 5L, ADL- Jup aspects 5H in D1, with 5L in D7 and PDL- Mercury with 5L- Sun in D1 & LL of D7 placed in 6H. 6H placement of PDL- Mercury indicated towards surgery/cesarean. Thus the dasha running well explained the birth of child.

This set of dasha sequence was running from 19-04-2014 to 28-08-2014, but the task was to find out the likely birth date of child during 11-18 July, 2014. So dasha up to 5th level was considered. 5th level (Pran) dasha was of Mercury from 09-12, July, 2014. Since Mercury is the 6L of D1 and placed in 6H of D7and also combust, Mercury period was singled out. Then the 5th level dasha was of Ketu, placed in 8H in D1 and receives aspect of 6L- Saturn in D7, so this period was also not found very much convincing and accordingly, this period up to 13-07-2014 was ignored. Now the 5th level dasha was of Venus from 13-17July, 2014. Venus, although placed in 8H in D1 but aspects 5H in D7 giving indication of child birth. With the help of this dasha, it was possible to narrow down the period from 11-18 July, 2014 to 13- 17 July, 2014. However, with a view to further narrow down the period, help of Char dasha was taken.

  1. Analysis from Char dasha:

Char dasha running was of Leo/Sagittarius/Leo/Libra from 13-15 July, 2014. MDL/PDL- Leo is the 5H of D1 of mother’s chart, ADL-Sagittarius is occupied by Putrakarak- Jupiter and SDL- Libra is occupied by 5L- Sun. This dasha appeared to be convincing. The SDL- Scorpio to follow from 15-17 July, 2014 was not convincing since it was in 8H of D1, occupied by Gyatikarak- Venus and malefic Ketu and also the 12H from Putrakarak. This way, the common period from 13-15 July, 2014 by using vimshotri and char dasha was considered favorable.

After analyzing the horoscope with respect to dasha running, Rao Sir’s tested principle of transit of Jupiter, Saptamsha Sun and Moon was applied to clinch the result

  1. From transit of Jupiter:

At the time of query, Jupiter was transiting in Cancer approximately at the longitude of 5 degree. From Cancer, it did not influence Lagan, 5H, 5L, Putrakarak, 7H and 7L with Gemini aspect, but about 2-3 months back, it was in Gemini, from where it influenced Lagan, 7H, 7L, 5L and Putrakarak- Jupiter in D7 of mother. Rao sir says that within a span of one year Jupiter should influence these component(s) to decide the year.

  1. From transit of Saptamsha Sun:

After the transit of Jupiter, Sun’s transit in D7 was seen to decide the month. From 13-15 July, 2014, Sun was transiting in Gemini in 7th saptamsha, thus it was in Sagittarius in D7, from where, it influenced Lagan, 5L- Saturn, 7H, 7L and Putrakarak- Jupiter from Gemini aspect. Although Saptamsha Sun supported for 16th of July, 2014 also, but it was discarded as the dasha supported up to 15th of July, 2014 only

  1. From Moon’s transit:

Moon was transiting in Capricorn on 13th of July, 2014, which happens to be the 5H of D7 of mother and aspecting 5H of D1 from Gemini aspect. This transit was favorable for birth of a child, but still preferred to wait till the Moon shifted in Aquarius on 15th of July, 2014. The reason behind it is that from Aquarius, it will influence lagna, 7H and 5L from Gemini aspect in D1 and LL of D7 placed in 6H. Role of 6H becomes important, when the child is born caesarian. Although Moon was in Aquarius till 16th of July, 2014, but the weight age was given to 15th of July, 2014 because on 15th of July, 2014, Moon’s longitude in transit was nearer to the longitude of natal 5L of Mother. So, the period was ultimately narrowed down to 15th of July, 2014. A baby boy was born on 15-07-2014/13.25/Delhi.

  1. Clue taken
  • Common period out of the two dasha used to narrow down the period
    • Longitude of transiting Moon nearer to the longitude of natal 5L of mother
    • Influence on more components by transiting Moon ie. on Lagan, 5H, 5L, 7H, 7L, Putrakarak in D7 of mother rather than influence on any one of these