Chaitra Shukla Pratipada 2024
Research under the Guidance of
Sh. K.N. Rao
Monica D Saxena
The Chaitra Shukla pratipada 2024starts from 8th April 2024 at 23:51 in Delhi. It’s an eventfulyear as India goes to polls this year.

The lord of the year is Marsthe warrior. There will be several scientific and technological breakthroughs this year. The wealth of the nation will increase coupled with some losses. Relations with neighbouring country will be strained. India will take a hardline stand in the world. Therewill be discord with neighbours, border skirmishes, losses,corruption,and frauds.Crimes will increase.Terrorist activities from neighbouring countries will need to be watched carefully. General people will face misery.There will be fires, strikes, riots, epidemic like situations and losses. People will face scarcity and many calamities.
The Prime Minister is Saturn Rainfall will be less and agricultural output will reduce. General public and cattle will suffer. The government will provide subsidies andincrease expenditure in pro poor policies and backward classes upliftment schemes. Violence will erupt during the farmers agitation. Wealth will increase gradually but sudden losses will also happen. The political leaders will indulge in cheating.
Lord of Fruit and Vegetation is Jupiterthe production of fruits and vegetables will be good.However, there is fear of loss of crops.
The Lord of agricultural growth is Sun There will be a good yield of white grains and crops. Loss of standing crop is seen at some places due to weather disturbance and cyclone like conditions.
Lord of Fluids is Saturn. There will be poor rains, croplosses and epidemic like situation.The poor people will suffer in spite of government subsidies.
The Lord of Metals and Minerals is Mars – there will be rise in prices of black mustard, salt, ghee, oil, sandalwood and sugar scarcity. Danger of fire in villages. The production of metals and minerals will increase.
The Lord of Paddy crops is Mars which is showing agricultural growth. There will be abundant red paddy and grams. The prices of Dal, jawar, ghee etc will increase. The storage silos of crops will need protection against fire or pilferage.
The application of artificial intelligence(AI) will increase dramatically. While Mercury is the karakas for software, Jupiter gets added to this combination to produce human-like intelligence in machines. There would be tremendous work in the area of artificial intelligence with lot of new breakthroughs. Governments will be coming out with regulations to control and manage its application. There would be danger of cyber-attacks and misuse of artificial intelligence bythe deep state. The usage of artificial intelligence will increase significantly in various phases of life.
The malefic planets are in the forefront showing trying times ahead for the nation.
Yearly Predictions
Lagna rising is Sagittarius the codandRashiand lagna Lord Jupiter is in the fifth house with Mercuryforming rajyoga. The image of India will get a boost.The country will get awards and recognitionand will play a leadership role in the world. It will also play the role of the mediator among nations. Thenation will see gains and entrepreneurial streak of its people will be on the rise. A record number of startups ( new companies) will be formed who will get funding from domestic and foreign investors. Their efforts will bring rewards and laurel to the nation. Jupiter aspecting the lagna accords a huge boon and protection to India in a critical year.
The wealth of the nation is set to increase with abundant and multiple sources of income. Entrepreneurship will flourish this year and many innovations in service and luxury segments are expected. The eleventh house is aspected by Jupiter and Mercury. The 11th Lord Venus is exalted and conjunct with Rahu showing the wealth of the nationwill grow by leaps and bounds.
Thelagna rising is Sagittarius the sign of Dharma and a resurgence of Dharma in India is underway in all aspects of life. It will be a highly creative period for India and gains are clearly seen to the nation. In spite of all the good fortunes, a major calamity will also befall on the nation this year. Losses and troubles will be surrounding the nation specially in the second half of the year. The country will also spend large sums on armaments for fortifying the defence systems.There will be cabinet reshuffle within the first one year of the ruling party coming to power.
Total Solar Eclipse will happen on 8 April 2024. The solar eclipse will begin at 9:12 pm on 8 April and conclude at 2:22 am on 9 April 2024. The new year will take place between this eclipse. It shows major upheavals and setbacks for India. Eclipse in a watery sign shows trouble for people living around the sea.
Ministry of Finance
There will be accumulation of wealth of the nation and respectable gains and earnings. The state will draw heavily on the national resources due to emergencies. The conjunction of Mars with Saturn shows losses in the nation’s wealth due to theft, anti-national activities and hostile neighbours. The second house has 35 points in sarvashtakvargaand Venus is also exalted so there would be gains in the stock market though ups and downs would continue.
The third house shows excellent inventions and gains in the field of science and technology.A record number of novels will be published by Indian authors and their work will be known internationally. Indian pharma companies will be gaining this year due to new and path breaking medicinal inventions.
The satellite communication equipment could suffer major damages. Accidents in train and air journeys are likely. There will be border clashes and riots and army will be coming out of barracks and marching in the streets to maintain law and order. There will be significantpurchase and manufacture of arms and ammunition by India. The arms industry will get a big boost this year and India will be looking at manufacturing arms locally with foreign collaboration.
The 4th house is the land of the nation. There will be plenty of gains to the nation and production of crops and grains will be plentiful. The agricultural income will riseand the production of coal and metals will be excellent. However, the weather pattern will be erratic and extreme weather is also forecasted.The development of a major seaport will start this year which will prove very useful in future. Hotel industry, travel and tourism, sale of luxury products will increase multifold.There will be a growing trend of Indians moving towards luxury items and spending lavishly on high value products. There will be record sales of Cars this year and share of luxury cars will increase. Electric cars will alsogain a significant chunk of the market. Manyhigh-riseluxury buildings will be planned and constructed this year. The real estate prices will reach record high.
The prestige of government will suffer. The peace of the nation will be severely disturbed due to religious tensions, terrorist activities, political unrest, intrigues and natural calamities. There will be curfew and movement containment in parts of the country due to deteriorating law and order situation. Attack on the political leadership will happen. A national calamity is going to happen this year which will shook up the nation.The government needs to safeguard religious places, vital roads, tunnels and bridges against possible terrorist attacks. There will be mining disasters. The medical system needs to be strengthened to safeguard against outbreak of epidemics.There will be cyclones and floods in the coastal areas. Landslides in Uttarakhand the devbhoomiis likely due to massive rains.
The unity of opposition parties under the banner I.N.D.I.A will collapse, there will be multiple smaller parties who will not be able to provide a strong alternativeto the people.
The 5th houseIndian companies will enter into partnerships with foreign firms andthe financial markets will be integrating with the world markets. Treaties regarding financial and technological sharing will take place. A female star of India will be winning major award in fine Arts and culture will be in forefront this year. Creative inventions and recognitions will go hand in hand.
It shows gains in stock market will be respectable but not spectacular like last year.It will be good for education of the country. Fintech, IT companies, Banks, Logistics sectorwill do well in the stock market along with Défensestocks. Coal and steel, Metals and Minerals will also rise. There will be severe ups and down in the stock market leading to severe losses.The apparel and jewellery industry will also do well with a marked shift where consumers will be buying themonline.
The Sixth lord in the fourth house shows territorial attacks on nations soil. There will be increased clashes with public and unrest. The state loans and debts will increase significantly and tussle with central government regarding sharing of revenues will be there. The relation between central and state governmentwill be stained. Its connection with Rahu shows extremism and violence.Riots and religious extremism will lead to loss of life and property. The government should take all precautions to protect Indian monuments and cultural heritage this year. The farmers agitation will turn violent, and the government will do well to resolve the issues at the earliest.
The seventh lord Mercury is well placed. Foreign trade will be on the rise. Exports will rise this year and several key treaties having far reaching influence will take place. India will play a leadership role and will be a mediator in the highly polarized world.
The eighth lord clearly points to a deep setback to the ruling party and death of a prominent leader. Its degree conjunction with the ninth lord Sun clearly shows a potential attack on religious places in India with an aim to ferment religious tensions.
The ninth lord shows India will be doing several secret treaties with other nations. Tourism will increase in a big way. Several institutes of higher learning and deep research laboratories will be setting up in India. The tussle between Supreme court and government of India regarding appointment of judges will increase. Some scandal involving senior judges will come to light this year. Several landmark rulings are expected this year which will be a sharp departure from the past.Constitutional amendments are expected which will be leading towards Uniform Civil Code and other radical amendments.
The tenth houseclearly points to death of a senior leader this year and scandals of ruling party coming in the public sphere. The ruling party will be coming back to power but will face tremendous difficulties in managing the affairs.
The eleventh house shows multiple gains to India including several awards and accolades. There will be gains from foreign trades and exports will significantly increase. India will start manufacturing several products for the foreign companies. There are good chances of pro women legislation being passed this year. Some scandals in the parliament circles will come to light.
The Twelfth lord Mars in Shatabhisha Nakshatra will cause a lot of lossesand damages. Foreign powers will be actively working to destabilise the government. There will be trouble in prison and hospitals.War, bombing, accidents, epidemics are bound to happen. Death or disgrace of prominent persons are seen. There will be strikes in mining and labour-intensive industries.
It’s a year of severe trials and tribulations for India. Lagna in Moola Nakshatra and lagna lord comes under severe affliction showing continued problems besetting the nation in spite of several positive developments.India will need all the empathy and good conduct of its citizens.
The Saturn -Mars conjunction brings about fateful events in the history of India. It is mentioned in Jahangir Nama that Jahangir ordered gold, silver and all sort of grains to be given as alms to the poor and needy and distributed throughout the realm. This was done to ward offthe evil effects of Mars and Saturn conjunction.Weneed to do that regularly this year and as my guru Sh. K.N.Rao says, there is nothing better than doing good deeds to improve one’s karma.
**Predictions from the Article on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada2024:**
– **Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs:**
– Several scientific and technological breakthroughs.
– Significant increase in the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
– Tremendous work and new breakthroughs in AI.
– Record number of novels by Indian authors will be published internationally.
– Indian pharma companies will gain due to new medicinal inventions.
– **Economic and Wealth Predictions:**
– Increase in national wealth but coupled with some losses.
– Gradual wealth increase with sudden losses also happening.
– Increase in production of metals and minerals.
– Prices of black mustard, salt, ghee, oil, sandalwood, and sugar will rise.
– Abundant red paddy and grams with increased prices of Dal, jawar, ghee, etc.
– Wealth of the nation set to increase with abundant sources of income.
– Entrepreneurship will flourish with many innovations in service and luxury segments.
– Gains in the stock market, though ups and downs will continue.
– Stock market gains will be respectable but not spectacular.
– Coal and steel, metals and minerals will rise in stock market value.
– Increase in exports and foreign trade.
– **Agricultural and Environmental Predictions:**
– Poor rains and reduced agricultural output.
– Production of fruits and vegetables will be good, but fear of crop loss exists.
– Good yield of white grains and crops with some crop loss due to weather disturbances.
– Loss of standing crops in some areas due to weather disturbances and cyclone-like conditions.
– Development of a major seaport will begin.
– Increase in electric cars and high-rise luxury buildings.
– Agricultural income will rise, and production of coal and metals will be excellent.
– Extreme weather and erratic weather patterns forecasted.
– Cyclones and floods in coastal areas.
– Landslides in Uttarakhand due to massive rains.
– **Social and Political Predictions:**
– General people will face misery with fires, strikes, riots, epidemic-like situations, and scarcity.
– Government to provide subsidies and increase expenditure on pro-poor policies and backward classes upliftment schemes.
– Violence during farmers’ agitation.
– Political leaders will indulge in cheating.
– Increased crimes and terrorist activities from neighboring countries.
– National calamity expected.
– Border clashes, riots, and army deployment to maintain law and order.
– National unity (opposition parties) under the banner I.N.D.I.A will collapse.
– Ruling party will face significant difficulties in managing affairs.
– Death or disgrace of prominent persons.
– Increase in territorial attacks and clashes with public.
– Increased state loans and debts.
– Tussle with central government over revenue sharing.
– Government to spend large sums on armaments.
– Cabinet reshuffle within the first year of ruling party coming to power.
– Death of a prominent leader expected.
– Attack on political leadership likely.
– Scandal involving senior judges.
– Landmark rulings and possible constitutional amendments towards Uniform Civil Code.
– Scandals in the ruling party will come to public light.
– **Cultural and Recognition Predictions:**
– Boost to India’s image with awards and recognition.
– Leadership role and mediation among nations.
– Gains and entrepreneurial streak of people will be on the rise.
– Record number of startups with funding from domestic and foreign investors.
– India to play a leadership role in a highly polarized world.
– Female Indian star to win a major award in fine arts and culture.
– Pro-women legislation likely to be passed.
– Increase in tourism and institutes of higher learning and research labs setting up in India.
– Multiple gains and accolades from foreign trades.
– Gains in exports and manufacturing for foreign companies.
– Creative inventions and recognitions will go hand in hand.
– **Health and Epidemics Predictions:**
– Epidemic-like situations and losses.
– Medical system needs strengthening against epidemic outbreaks.
– Possible outbreaks of epidemics.
– Trouble in prisons and hospitals.
– War, bombing, accidents, and epidemics are expected.
– Strikes in mining and labor-intensive industries.
– **General Environmental and Miscellaneous Predictions:**
– Fires, strikes, riots, and epidemic-like situations.
– Scarcity and many calamities.
– Production of coal and metals will be excellent.
– Weather disturbances and cyclone-like conditions.
– Border skirmishes and discord with neighbors.
– Poor rainfall and agricultural output reduction.
– Extreme weather and erratic weather patterns forecasted.
– Possible mining disasters.
This list encapsulates the various predictions made in the article regarding different aspects of India’s future in 2024.