Success and 11th House
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley
We live in the world of success worshippers. In Kalyug the predominant tendency of all ambitious people is to succeed and succeed ONLY. The end is important for them, whatever may be the means adopted to achieve success. The importance of 11th House cannot be over emphasised in Kalyug where the only barometer of success is money! 11th House is the house of gains, of recognition and awards. As per Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, an auspicious 11th House makes a person happy at all times. 11th House indicates the fructification of efforts of a person. A person is doomed to a lifetime of struggle and very limited gains if the 11th House does not show promise. The pivot around which success revolves in a horoscope is 11th Lord and the 11th House. When we assess the horoscope of successful people, we find that all of them have a strong 11th House and 9th House ( 11th from 11th H).
Assessment of Success in a Horoscope
After assessing the strength of Lagna, promise in the horoscope and various yogas present in the horoscope, we assess the potential to succeed by the following:
1. See the placement of 11 Lord.
- 11th Lord in kendra or Trikona is good
- 11th Lord in own house is good
- Exalted 11th Lord is excellent
- 11th Lord in 6 H or 8H is not good
2. No. of planets connected to 11th house
Do not fail to notice a concentration of planets in the 11th House or associated with the 11th Lord. The more the number of planets connected to the 11 House/ Lord, the more is the he possibility of material success of that person.
How do we assess how many planets are connected to the 11 House/ Lord? Let’s see in the horoscope of famous American builder Kirk Kerkorian.

The 11th House has sign Gemini. See the planets placed in the 11th House. Venus and Ketu are placed there. Now see the planets aspecting the 11th house. In this horoscope, Moon and Rahu are aspecting the 11 House. Now see the number of planets connected to the lord of the 11th House – Mercury (conjunction, aspect, exchange). In this horoscope, Mercury is placed in 10th house and is conjunct with Sun, Jupiter, and Mars. So we find that 8 planets are connected to 11th House and 11th Lord. This clearly foretells great success for the person as most dashas of his life will have a connection with 11th House. However, such a person can be very greedy and may devote all his energies in accumulating material things, money, and wealth.
3. Confirmation from D-9
Confirm the position of 11 H and 11 Lord from D-9. As you can see from the table below, the promise of D1 is confirmed in D9 for successful people.
Planets with 11 H/ 11L in D1 | Planets with 11 H/11L in D9 | |
Sachin Tendulkar | 4 | 5 |
Roger Federer | 7 | 5 |
Virender Sehwag | 6 | 5 |
Mohd. Azharuddin | 8 | 5 |
Amitabh Bacchan | 6 | 3 |
Lata Mangeshkar | 4 | 3 |
Rukmani Arundale | 8 | 4 |
Morarji Desai | 5 | 4 |
Charan Singh | 9 | 7 |
Chandra Shekhar | 5 | 7 |
Atal Bihari Vajpayee | 5 | 4 |
Also see the dispositor of 11th Lord in the Navamsha (D-9).
- Number of Ashtakvarga points between 10th house and 11th house
The Ashtakvarga points of 10th and 11th Houses from Lagna, Moon and Sun tells us how much a person will be rewarded for his efforts. If the points of 11th House are more, the person will be suitably rewarded for his efforts.
- Connection between 11th Lord and 2nd Lord
The connection between 11th House (earning) and 2nd House (wealth) shows the capacity to retain the money earned. See if the 2nd and 11th Lords are connected, in kendras from each other or in exchange.
- Raj Yogas and Dhan Yogas
Make full analysis of Raj Yogas and Dhan Yogas present in the horoscope.
- Dasha Sequence
The dasha sequence at the right time in life is the key to achieving success and acclaim.
Our Guru, Shri K.N. Rao always emphasize that in the changing times, what is given in the astrological classics even if not interpolated have to be interpreted liberally and not literally.
Some other interesting points about the 11th House/ Lord
- Relation between Lagna and 11 House
11th Lord is neutral or enemy of the Lagna lord for each sign.
Lagna | Lord | 11th Lord | Relation |
Aries | Mars | Saturn | Neutral |
Taurus | Venus | Jupiter | Neutral |
Gemini | Mercury | Mars | Neutral |
Cancer | Moon | Venus | Neutral |
Leo | Sun | Mercury | Neutral |
Virgo | Mercury | Moon | Enemy |
Libra | Venus | Sun | Enemy |
Scorpio | Mars | Mercury | Enemy |
Sagittarius | Jupiter | Venus | Enemy |
Capricorn | Saturn | Mars | Enemy |
Aquarius | Saturn | Jupiter | Enemy |
Pisces | Jupiter | Saturn | Neutral |
- Exaltation and Debilitation
For each Lagna, the house where 11 L exalts and debilitates indicates the inclinations of that Lagna. For Gemini and Pisces Lagna, 11th lord exalts in the 8th House. (examples are Einstein and Morarji Desai). For Aquarius Lagna, the 11th Lord exalts in the 6th House indicating success after struggle (example is Amitabh Bacchan). For Aries and Libra Lagna it exalts in the 7th House of spouse and partnership. For Cancer and Virgo Lagna it exalts in the 9th House of father and luck. In case of Leo and Aquarius Lagna, 2nd and 11th Lords are the same.
Lagna | Exaltation of 11th L | Debilitation of 11th L |
Aries | 7th House | 1st House |
Taurus | 3rd House | 9th House |
Gemini | 8th House | 2nd House |
Cancer | 9th House | 3rd House |
Leo | 2nd House | 8th House |
Virgo | 9th House | 2nd House |
Libra | 7th House | 1st House |
Scorpio | 11th House | 5th House |
Sagittarius | 4th House | 10th House |
Capricorn | 1st House | 7th House |
Aquarius | 6th House | 12th House |
Pisces | 8th House | 1st House |
- It is a Trishadai house with 3rd House and 6th House. The biggest Trik
- It is a part of Kam Trikon with 3rd House and 7th House. The strongest of Kam trikon.
There is a saying – “Control your desires or they will control you.” 11th House is the house of your desires and without controlling the 11th House significations; one cannot begin on the spiritual path. Hence the 11th House is the biggest stumbling block to salvation. The last barrier! For those leading a spiritual life the 11th House being the strongest of the Kama trikon is bondage and bad for salvation.
The New Adage:
There is an old saying that behind every successful man there is a woman. In today’s changing world we find that behind every successful person there is a strong 11th House!
Monica D Saxena